Hi Christina,

Am 28.05.2013 21:47, schrieb Christina Murphy:
> I was hoping to get some simple help with configuring the
> bacula-dir.conf file.  I'm an intern with a computer forensics company
> and as my employers are busy with their new business, they have tasked
> me with familiarizing myself with Bacula and learning how to run it.

Have you read the main reference manual on
http://www.bacula.org/5.2.x-manuals/en/main/main/ ?
If not, I recommend you do so before trying to go any further.

> My boss had it mostly configured when they asked me to take on the job

What does "mostly configured" mean? Did everything work then?

> but I attempted to change the name of the three pools set up and now
> Bacula won't start, giving the error
> Console.cpp: 157  "Filed to connect to intbackup-dir for pupulatelists

That message looks garbled, as if you typed it by hand. If you quote
an error message, I'd recommend you always use copy/paste in order to
avoid transcription errors, as they are not always as obvious as here.

Also, you should report exactly which program produces the message.
In this case, it looks like the message didn't come from any of the
Bacula daemon processes nor from bconsole, but most likely from some
graphical interface such as bat.

Anyway, that error message does not look as if it had anything to do
with pools. So I guess that either this problem was already present
before your change, or you changed more than just the pool names.

If the program that now produces the error message worked before your
change, try undoing your change and see if it works again. If so,
please post the change you made, preferrably in "diff -u" format.

If the program that produced the error message has never worked, you'll
have to review your entire setup to see what does or doesn't work:
- Do all the daemons run?
- Are there any error messages from them in the logs?
- Does bconsole work?
- What status does it report for the daemons?

If any of these questions seem unclear to you then you should review
the corresponding chapter of the manual. You'll need it!


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