On 05/28/2013 4:19 pm, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> On 05/28/13 16:10, dweimer wrote:
>> I am looking to configure a Bacula installation to use a monthly full,
>> weekly differential, and daily incremental to a file pool.  I will 
>> have
>> the required disk space to keep 3 months of these online for restores.
>> And will be keeping tapes offsite for a longer period of time.  What I
>> would like to do though is make sure if we have to do a restore from
>> tape, that I don't end up needing to use 30 tapes for the restore.  
>> From
>> the reading I have done it appears that I will need to use a SQL Query
>> to determine the jobs to copy, finding the most recent full, the most
>> recent differential (if exists) since the full, and all incremental 
>> jobs
>> after the full or last differential.
> No.  Bacula will take care of that for you.  You tell it what you want
> to restore from when to where, and it will search the catalog and tell
> you what media you will need to perform the restore.

Yes I am aware that Bacula would tell me which volumes I needed, I just 
didn't want to have to bring tapes from the full, a differential, and 3 
incremental backups from the offsite location to restore an entire 
directory if needed.

> Also remember that you always have the ability at any time to create a
> "virtual full" job from the most recent Full, Differential, and
> applicable incrementals.

Thank you, this was the easy solution I was missing, instead of doing a 
custom copy job, that would copy multiple jobs to the most recent tapes, 
a virtual full done to tape would have everything I needed.  After some 
reading in the documentation this looks simple enough to configure.

    Dean E. Weimer

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