Hi Folks,

I need a SQL query for Bacula to list the volumes available in the
pool, including those to be recycled
due to expiration of their retention periods but weren't still recycled.

For time being, I am using this query:

select count(*) as count from Media where PoolId = X and StorageId = Y
and (VolStatus = 'Purged' or VolStatus = 'Recycle' or VolStatus =

But, it doesn't include volumes up to be recycled due their job/volume
retention periods. I need to include that info into my SQL query.

Thanks in advance for any help.


Isamar Maia
Cel. VIVO SSA:  (55) 71-9146-8575
Fixo:  (55) 71-4062-8688
Skype ID: isamar.maia
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