On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 06:41:08PM +0200, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> Hello,
> I don't think the last version of the Windows FD produced by the
> project has LZO in the Windows version.  For nearly every
> platform, we must build LZO from source, so it took
> longer to get it into the Windows version.
> LZO is compiled into the Bacula Systems Windows binaries
> which are available through www.baculasystems.com.  I am
> not 100% sure it has been properly tested though.  If you
> find it is not working in the Bacula Systems binaries, please
> let me know (best submit a bug report bugs.bacula.org), and
> we will fix it.
> Best regards,
> Kern

Hi Kern, 

that's correct, however another reader on this list provided us with
custom compiled lzo-enabled windows clients, I cannot recall who it
was though. I can ask my colleague Tom who was in contact however, if
I remember correctly some libs were required to get the client to

All the best, Uwe 

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