On 05/02/2013 2:44 pm, John Drescher wrote:
> Use the bacula vchanger to create a virtual disk autochanger.
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/vchanger/
> Make each hard disk a virtual magazine with a set of fixed size 
> volumes.
> Yes, I saw the wiki page, thanks. I can't help thinking there's gotta 
> be
> a simpler way:
> vchanger is very simple to use. At home I set it up years ago and its
> pretty much set it and forget it.
> can't bacula handle 2 tape drives at once? Or a
> DVD-burner tower? Or is the only way to use them is the moving symlink?
> DVDs are out, bacula has not supported them in years. Tape drives yes
> bacula will can use more than 1 tape drive just like it can use more
> than 1 disk storage device. A single job can never use more than
> device. Also with multiple independent storage devices you would have
> to manage and schedule your jobs to each device instead of sending all
> jobs to an autochanger resource and let bacula handle things. I done
> this both ways and I can say the virtual autochanger is considerably
> easier to use.
> John
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I personally thought vchanger was a little overcomplicated for my needs 
when I setup up my disk backups with a rotation on my home network.  I 
am using GEOM ELI encryption on FreeBSD anyways for security so it 
requires manual work to mount the disk partition so I didn't care if I 
had an additional command to run.  So Rather than going through the 
trouble of configuring vchanger.  I just created a simple shell script 
to execute that just sends a series of commands to bconsole and sets the 
volume status to disabled for the offline volumes and sets the status to 
enabled for the online volumes.

Its quick and simple, works great for me having a three hard disk 
rotation (19 Bacula volumes per hard disk), changed once a week.  My 
original plan was to go back and learn vchanger later once I had 
everything else figured out, but this has worked out well enough that I 
never got around to it.  This would get ugly in a hurry though if you 
were going to manage a large number of drives and volumes, and requires 
you to make sure you remember to run the command.  Just thought I would 
throw the idea out there.

Dean E. Weimer

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