On Thu, May 02, 2013 at 01:56:14PM +0200, Iban Cabrillo wrote:
>   We are running the bacula 5.2.6+dfsg-8 on debian. All my backups are on
> tape (we are using spool directory to increase the tape performance).
>   The most suggested option , looking in the web is to use "rsync", to
> replicate the volume. i would like to know is the is a way to use to spool
> directory to replicate the jobs on the fly.
>   Or maybe there is a best way to do this?

Unfortunately bacula can't write the same job on 2 media in one go.
I solved a similar scenario for me by doing
- Backup to disk
- Copy Job to copy the disk-backups to tape pool1
- Copy job to copy the disk-backups to tape pool2

In my setup, the job has a lifetime of 13 months, the disk-pools 35
days, one tape pool 13 months, the other 2 months.
If you can afford the diskspace for a set of backups, but not for as
many days, you can do a copy job and a migrate job instead of 2 copy jobs
or implement some other algorithm to recover the disk space.
I use sql to select the jobs I want to copy.

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