On 26.02.2013 23:35, Dan Langille wrote:
On Feb 26, 2013, at 11:19 AM, Sven Tegethoff wrote:
On 26.02.2013 08:24, Markus Kress wrote:
Dan Langille <d...@langille.org> schrieb am 25.02.2013 17:37:16:
> What are you trying to do?
Hello Dan,
we dump a postgresql database to files and backup them up to tape
ones a day. This is done by a runscript in a job of type backup. But
we also dump the postgresql database only to disk without backing up
to tape every 6 hours. I want to use the same "infrastructure" (like
messaging and logging of bacula and my scripts around bacula). If I
use cron etc., I have write a secondary logging and messaging
scripts and it have to be done from every client.
You can create a backup job of type "Admin" and then put everything
you want to run into the RunBeforeJob script. Admin Type jobs will do
everything normal backup jobs do - except for actually backing
anything up :)
And the ability to run a script on the client. ;)
Dang! Documentation is a bit sketchy about this :) How about still using
an admin job, but using it to start the script on the client via ssh?
That's also kinda hackish, but still nicer than an empty backup job,
IMHO ...
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Sven Tegethoff
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