> > 2) About how long could the bscan take?
> > I'm getting regular status updates like:
> >   21-Feb 17:04 bscan JobId 0: End of file 1070 on device "LTO5-0"
> >   (/dev/st0), Volume "L50001"
> > After two hours, it's up to file 1070.
> I believe that is the volume file. Which usually is 1 GB.

Thanks John, that looks right. The first tape finished after 4 hours, so
that's pretty much theoretical maximum tape speed. At this rate I'll be done
in 7 days (not as bad as I thought it could be). It'd be a little faster
except I have to manually change the tapes - that is, manually using mtx. Is
there any way for next time that I can get the tapes to change

Thanks again everyone who's helped - fingers crossed that in 7 days it'll be
a valid catalog. I'm getting a repeating "Could not find Job for SessId..."
error, but I'm hoping it'll get resolved by the end of the tape or the next


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