I'm trying to add Python support to the FreeBSD port.  I'm working on a PR 
submitted to FreeBSD, but
I'm getting a link error.  

Any ideas?  Full link output at the above URL.

The main error is:

Linking bacula-dir ...
 --silent --tag=CXX --mode=link /usr/bin/c++ -L../lib -L../cats -L../findlib 
-L/usr/local/lib -Wl,-rpath=/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib -o 
bacula-dir dird.o admin.o authenticate.o autoprune.o backup.o bsr.o catreq.o 
dir_plugins.o dird_conf.o expand.o fd_cmds.o getmsg.o inc_conf.o job.o jobq.o 
migrate.o mountreq.o msgchan.o next_vol.o newvol.o pythondir.o recycle.o 
restore.o run_conf.o scheduler.o ua_acl.o ua_cmds.o ua_dotcmds.o ua_query.o 
ua_input.o ua_label.o ua_output.o ua_prune.o ua_purge.o ua_restore.o ua_run.o 
ua_select.o ua_server.o ua_status.o ua_tree.o ua_update.o vbackup.o verify.o 
-lbacfind -lbacsql -lbaccats -lbacpy -lbaccfg -lbac -lm -pthread -lutil -lm 
-lpython2.7 -lutil -lpthread -lintl -lwrap /usr/local/lib/libintl.so 
/usr/local/lib/libiconv.so -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib -L/usr/lib -lssl 
dird.o(.text+0x234e): In function `main':
: undefined reference to 


Dan Langille - http://langille.org

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