I had this great idea today for the tutorial.

Bring a computer pre-installed with N running instances of bacula-dir 
and bacula-sd, each with their own Catalog.

This server would run one instance of PostgreSQL, containing one 
Catalog for each Attendee.

Each Attendee's home directory would contain bacula-dir.conf and 
Each will need sudo so they can stop and start THEIR instance of the 

Each instance will need to listen on a different set of ports.

The attendees will be responsible for bringing a computer/laptop with 
bacula-fd preinstalled and running.

To keep it simple, Attendees will have accounts such as: user01, 
user02, etc.

In each user's home directory:



bacula-dir - script for starting/stopping DIR
bacula-sd  - script for starting/stopping SD

PostgreSQL will have N databases, each named user01..userNN

Sounds doable...

Ideas, comments?

Dan Langille - http://langille.org/

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