Hey Frank,

2013/1/3  <f.staed...@dafuer.de>:
> thank you all for your replies. I did some testing and set Maximum File
> Size to 30GB now instead of the 1GB default. Now the drive sounds much
> healthier.
>> from what i remember the manual recommends something like 2GB Maximum
>> File Size for LTO2-3, so i guess LTO5 would be served well with 4GB.
> I use a 6 disk SAS RAID0 array for spooling - and with testing raw
> reading is about 350-400MB/s, think that should even fit for
> compressable data. Right now the limiting factor of the overall backup
> is the gigabit LAN :-)
> Thanks for every input!

one more thing to try is raising the readahead setting for your raid0
device, if you haven't done that yet.
If this happens to be a linux server you could do this by
echo 8192 > /sys/block/md0/queue/readahead_kb for a software raid. If
it's a hardware raid, use the device name of that instead of md0.
(please check the exact file names and path since I can't look at one right now)

My experience was that throughput generally went up a lot, and also I
think it should stabilize concurrent read/write.
8192 equals 8MBytes; in my tests I've seen the best value to be either
4 or 8MB, depending on the number of and type of the disks in use. Too
high values and my throughput values would drop.


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