On Jan 11, 2013, at 8:34 AM, Martin Simmons wrote:

>>>>>> On Thu, 10 Jan 2013 11:10:37 -0500, Dan Langille said:
>> On 2013-01-10 08:17, Martin Simmons wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Tue, 08 Jan 2013 10:56:16 -0500, Dan Langille said:
>>>> When running copy jobs on 5.2.12, I see this:
>>>> 08-Jan 15:49 bacula-dir JobId 116746: Warning: FileSet MD5 digest 
>>>> not
>>>> found.
>>>> 08-Jan 15:49 bacula-dir JobId 116746: The following 48 JobIds were
>>>> chosen to be copied:
>>>> 116360,116426,116427,116429,116431,116434,116428,116430,116432,116435,116433,116436,116438,116446,116451,116453,116439,116447,116440,116448,116449,116443,116444,116445,116608,116609,116611,116613,116616,116610,116612,116614,116617,116615,116618,116620,116628,116633,116635,116621,116625,116629,116634,116622,116626,116630,116627,116631
>>>> 08-Jan 15:49 bacula-dir JobId 116747: Warning: FileSet MD5 digest 
>>>> not
>>>> found.
>>>> 08-Jan 15:49 bacula-dir JobId 116747: Copying using JobId=116360
>>>> Job=dent.2013-01-05_23.30.00_53
>>>> 08-Jan 15:49 bacula-dir JobId 116747: Bootstrap records written to
>>>> /home/bacula/working/bacula-dir.restore.83.bsr
>>>> 08-Jan 15:49 bacula-dir JobId 116746: Job queued. JobId=116747
>>>> 08-Jan 15:49 bacula-dir JobId 116746: Copying JobId 116747 started.
>>>> 08-Jan 15:49 bacula-dir JobId 116749: Warning: FileSet MD5 digest 
>>>> not
>>>> found.
>>>> That message seems to be present for each job it starts: Warning:
>>>> FileSet MD5 digest not found.
>>>> I'm quite sure that each FilSet has:
>>>>     Options {
>>>>       signature=MD5
>>>>     }
>>>> Some might even have:
>>>>     Options {
>>>>       signature=MD5
>>>>         verify=pnugsmcs5
>>>>     }
>>>> Ideas?
>>> Can you post the whole fileset?
>> Sure.  This one is an example from jobid = 116360
>> FileSet {
>>   Name = "dent files"
>>   Include {
>>     Options {
>>       signature=MD5
>>         verify=pnugsmcs5
>>     }
>>     Exclude Dir Containing = .NOBACKUP
>>     File = /Users/dan
>>   }
>>   Exclude {
>>     File = *~
>>   }
>> }
> Strange, that one should have an MD5.
> Do you have any filesets with no Include or Exclude options?  That is the only
> way I can see it would happen.

Ahh, that rings a bell.  Here is the copy job:

FileSet {
  Name = "EmptyCopyToTape"

Job {
  Name     = "CopyToTape-Inc"
  Type     = Copy
  Level    = Incremental
  Pool     = IncrFile

  FileSet   = "EmptyCopyToTape"

  Client      = kraken-fd
  Schedule    = "CopyToTape-Inc"
  Storage     = DigitalTapeLibrary
  Messages    = Standard

  # don't spool date when backing up to tape from local disk
  Spool Data  = no 
  Spool Attributes = yes

  RunAfterJob  = "/home/dan/bin/dlt-stats-kraken"

  # no sense spooling local data
  Spool Data       = no
  Spool Attributes = yes
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 40

  Priority    = 410

  Selection Type = SQL Query
  Selection Pattern = "
   FROM Job J, Pool P
   WHERE P.Name = 'IncrFile'
     AND P.PoolId = J.PoolId
     AND J.Type = 'B'
     AND J.JobStatus IN ('T','W')
     AND J.jobBytes > 0
     AND J.JobId NOT IN
         (SELECT PriorJobId
            FROM Job
           WHERE Type IN ('B','C')
             AND Job.JobStatus IN ('T','W')
             AND PriorJobId != 0)
ORDER BY J.StartTime

Dan Langille - http://langille.org

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