Am Tue, 8 Jan 2013 12:11:36 -0500
schrieb John Drescher <>:

> > in my case it were errors in the config file most of the time. On
> > one occasion if have screwed the permissions so loading dlls was not
> > possible...
> This should be the first place to check since the installer generates
> an invalid config by default (or at least it did for some time).

OK, it was in the config file...
But I can't explain why it already runs...
Today I restarted the machine due to some Windows-Updates, and then it
didn't start anymore...

I changed the config file, in the same place I already changed as I
installed it, and now it runs...

Of course, if bacula would write some error messages, it could help...
On Linux it does, why not on Windows?

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