On 2012-12-07 06:06, Radosław Korzeniewski wrote:
> Hello,
> 2012/12/7 Dan Langille <d...@langille.org [1]>
>> My laptop has two hostnames.  One is used when it comes in over the
>> VPN. Another is used when its at home.
>> How do I deal with this?
>> I change the hostname in bacula-dir.conf and reload.
> You can use a setip console command for that. It is a dynamic change
> so when Director restarts it back to the IP address set in config
> file.

Good idea.  Reading the documentation[1]

Sets new client address - if authorized.
A console is authorized to use the SetIP command only if it has a 
resource definition in both the Director and the Console. In addition, 
the console name, provided on the Name = directive, must be the same as 
Client name, the user of that console is permitted to use the SetIP 
to change the Address directive in the Director's client resource to 
the IP
address of the Console. This permits portables or other machines using 
(non-fixed IP addresses) to "notify" the Director of their current IP 

Hmmm, that second sentence needs to be improved.

It seems to say: if you use bconsole from a Client, you can use setip 
to change
the IP address of *that* client.

Is that your interpretation of that command?

I would try it, but I am not near my laptop right now.

[1] - 

Dan Langille - http://langille.org/

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