Zitat von Dimitrij Hilt <dimitrij.h...@fhe3.com>:

> Am 03.12.2012 10:23, schrieb lst_ho...@kwsoft.de:
>> Zitat von Dimitrij Hilt <dimitrij.h...@fhe3.com>:
>>> Am 03.12.2012 02:21, schrieb Dan Langille:
>>>> On Dec 2, 2012, at 6:40 PM, Dimitrij Hilt wrote:
>>>>> Hi there,
>>>>> i have bacula system on debian squeeze with packages from back ports.
>>>> What version of Bacula are you running?
>>> Version: 5.2.6 (both DIR and SD) comming from Debian backports package
>>> 5.2.6+dfsg-1~bpo60+1.
>>>>> I
>>>>> use file based backups and i'm wondering why tape files are created as
>>>>> sparse file:
>>> du --block-size 1 file-0399
>>>>> 134742016 file-0399
>>> du --bytes file-0399
>>>>> 70112117  file-0399
>>>> What does the above represent?  What command did you issue?
>>>>> Any idea how i can avoid it? It waste to much disc space.
>>>> Not yet. I don't know what I'm looking at.  :)
>>> Thanks.
>>> Once more. If i copy this file localy and back, it shrinks to normal
>>> size and both 'du' are same. Restore from shrinked file is still possible.
>> Not sure but from my knowledge Bacula does not delete/truncate files
>> by default when they are reused but simply overwrite them. You could
>> try "Action On Purge = Truncate" to "shrink" the files before reuse.
> These files was not reused. It is new system and create new  
> (possible sparse) files. "Action On Purge = Truncate" is allready  
> inplace.

No idea then. In our case newly "labeled" files are 196 bytes in size.  
On the other hand you need to provide the space anyway at backup  
runtime, if not, you could simply label less files so less space is  



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