Zitat von Chris Adams <cmad...@hiwaay.net>:

> I'm trying to back up a relatively large filesystem (over 500G in use)
> that is running somewhat slow.  With my previous backup software, I
> divided it up into multiple parallel backup jobs, and that worked.  I'm
> trying to implement something similar with Bacula 5.2 on RHEL 6 (backing
> up to separate disk array).
> The particular filesystem is ext3 on LVM on a SAN, and I have a script
> that:
> - logs into the server
> - snapshots the LVM
> - logs into the SAN
> - snapshots the volume
> - deletes the LVM snapshot on the server
> - mounts the LVM-snapshot-on-SAN-snapshot on the backup server
> There's also a post-backup script to unmount the snapshot and delete it
> from the SAN.
> I could split up the job with two filesets, with an include/exclude set
> up to split (for example, back up directories a-m in one job and n-z in
> the other).  However, how can I get the snapshot scripts run just once,
> before both jobs start and after both jobs finish?
> I was looking at having a "parent" job that uses RunScripts to run the
> snapshot script, run the two jobs, wait, and then run the snap-del
> script, but it looks like "run" isn't an allowed console command.
What about using more than one snapshot? If done right snapshots are  
cheap, so you should have no problem to take a snapshot/mount per job  
to get two jobs running. But i doubt you will gain much with parallel  
backups on one filesystem/io-channel anyway.

> I have a similar issue with a Windows server, where I've split a backup
> into two jobs to run in parallel.  The problem there is that they both
> show as "running", but only one actually runs at a time (the other just
> seems to sit there waiting, per "status client=foo" and "status
> storage=bar" in bconsole).  Is this due to VSS?  Is there something
> locking and only allowing one access at a time?  I have raised Maximum
> Concurrent Jobs, so that isn't the problem.

Currently with VSS you have a limit of one job per windows machine  
running, as we already find out :-(
Unfortunately this is a undocumented (missing)feature.
But as said if you don't have independent io-channels or you are CPU  
bound (data encryption) you won't gain very much by running more than  
one job concurrently.



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