bacula dir 5.0.2 on debian
bacula sd 5.0.2 on same machine as dir
bacula fd 5.0.0 on centos

----- Původní zprávy -----
Od: "Josip Almasi" <j...@vrspace.org>
Komu: "Marek Šimon" <marek.si...@casablanca.cz>
Kopie: "bacula-users" <bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Odeslané: Středa, 10. Říjen 2012 18:28:12
Předmět: Re: [Bacula-users] How to backup and restore hard links

Marek Šimon wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some system with few (less than 1000) hard links. I found in 
> documentation, that bacula is able to backup hard links and keep track of 
> them and then restore them then. But when I restore, I got errors:
> Can't create hard link, file not found. It seems to me, that bacula restores 
> hardlinks before the original files come in order (although there is nothing 
> like "original file" in hard links, but bacula keeps it like that).
> Is it a bug in bacula?

Which version are you talking about?


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