Zitat von "Masopust, Christian" <christian.masop...@siemens.com>:

> Hi Andreas,
> why is the "won't fix" for bug 1940 a problem?   When you look at  
> Kern's eyplanation
> about why
>> Why won't we fix it? Well, it is useless to try to backup Windows  
>> without VSS
>> enabled as you will miss locked files, ... In otherwords you get  
>> garbage depending
>> on what your system is doing.

We have done Windows backups for around 10 years and know the downside  
of not using VSS. Therfore we have carefully choosen which filesystems  
can be included without VSS mostly because VSS does only work with one  
job in parallel per Windows machine. So our problem is that even the  
workaround with not using VSS does not work for parallel jobs with  
data encryption.

> I would accept that this is nothing to be fixed in code but in your  
> configuration :)
> (assuming you like to have usable backups :))
> br,
> christian

Fixing in configuration means don't do parallel backup jobs on windows  
neither with VSS nor with encryption which is some kind of  
un-documented, no?



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