Am 03.10.2012 07:47, schrieb comport3:
> Can anyone explain why a FileSet is required when migrating/copying
> from one volume to another?
> Essentially we have an "OFFSITE" backup that I want on local (iSCSI)
> disk, then to be copied to LTO-4 tape.
> There are several backup jobs, each with a different FileSet 
> selection.
> Can anyone suggest a way to migrate the entire contents of the
> OFFSITE disk volume to tape without creating multiple COPY jobs in
> Bacula?

Not really but this seems to be unnecessary in most cases. We just use 
the following copy/migration job which copies all our jobs from an iSCSI 
target to tape on weekly schedule. The fileset does not matter here:

Job {
   Name = "migrate"
   Type = Copy
   Level = Full
   Client = bacula-fd
   FileSet = "Full Set"
   Messages = Copy
   Pool = weekly-pool
   Schedule = "migrate-schedule"
   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 4
   Selection Type = PoolUncopiedJobs

What's annoying here are the status mails from the copy jobs which do 
not show the client name but the JobID which is unimportant for me. The 
subject says:

Bacula: Copy OK of migrate.2012-10-01_10.00.00_33


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