
> >I did a couple of installations and I never faced with this error


> >before. Anyway, never say never again.


> >In the first scenario we were backing up to tape for a few years and


> >then migrated to a disc based solution. Everything worked like a charm.


> >This particular problem occurred first, when we migrated the "problem


> >server" from a physical machine to a virtualized one (with VMware


> >converter). As I mentioned in the reply to Josh, there is another


> >virtual server on this host without any problems.


> >


> >Has anyone probably issues with nic drivers, too. I used a mix of E1000


> >or "flexible" in the vm config.


> >


> >However, can someone tell me, where the problem has its origin. Is it


> >the FD, SD or the Dir? It's not clear for me.


> Hi Michael,


> I might have a similar problem. We also used Bacula for years and now

> migrated our main server to VMware.


> In the first 3 month everything worked fine but after the summer shut

> down I saw the broken pipe error.


> My configuration:


> On the storage server, a huge disk storage is attached. Here only the

> file daemon is running. (VMware)


> On the backup server the director and the storage daemons are running.

> (physical server)


> OS is in both cases Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit.


> Kernel: 3.2.0-27


> Bacula taken from the Ubuntu packages: 5.2.5-0ubuntu6.1


> We don?t use a tape changer, and the weekly full backup needs 2 tapes.

> The job starts at Saturday and normally waits for the second tape

> which I change on Monday morning.


> But since the shutdown the network is reset after exactly 15 minutes

> and the job stops with a broken pipe error.


> I have added the heartbeat interval on all daemons, but no change.


> What is a little suspicious, is that when I reschedule the job during

> the week, the job waits for the tape 1, 2 or three days without a

> problem. When it starts on weekends, error!


> In my case it might be an update of our switch?s firmware. Some other

> guy from IT updated all switches. Next weekend I will be able to test

> my backup with the old firmware again. Perhaps this is was the reason

> in my case.


> Did you have any changes in your network environment?



>I seem to remember someone on here having this problem previously.

>Bacula daemons all set socket option SO_KEEPALIVE to keep the

>connections from timing out, but a switch in between was not properly

>honoring the TCP keepalive. When the switch times out the connection,

>both FD and DIR then think the other side closed the connection.


>However, Michael mentioned that on the second scenario all servers are

>on the same hypervisor and there is no switch. Maybe the place to start

>is to move the failing VM to the other hypervisor and see if it still

>fails. Perhaps there is some difference in the VMWare configs.


> I will post if the firmware was the problem.


> Regarding your question which daemon is causing the trouble, is there

> really no output which daemon get the error. In my case it?s the

> communication between the FD on the VMware-server and the SD.


> 25-Aug 16:18 ttl010-sd JobId 31: Job backup4.2012-08-25_09.08.00_15 is

> waiting. Cannot find any appendable volumes.


> Please use the "label" command to create a new Volume for:


> Storage: "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0)


> Pool: Pool-backup4


> Media type: LTO-4


> 25-Aug 16:33 ttl011-fd JobId 31: Error: bsock.c:389 Write error

> sending 65536 bytes to Storage daemon:

> ERR=Connection timed out


> 25-Aug 16:33 ttl011-fd JobId 31: Fatal error: backup.c:1190 Network

> send error to SD. ERR=Connection timed out


> 25-Aug 16:33 ttl010-sd JobId 31: Error: bsock.c:389 Write error

> sending -6 bytes to client: ERR=Connection reset

> by peer


> 25-Aug 16:33 ttl010-dir JobId 31: Error: Bacula ttl010-dir 5.2.5

> (26Jan12):


> Regards,
> Markus

I now could check if bacula fd to sd connection timed out because of the 
network switches. This was not the case. My job still cancels.

What I did now was to check if the heartbeat is really working. So I installed 
wireshark and tracked my network connections.
I see my traymonitor connecting every 5 sec to dir, sd and fd. But I can't see 
any heartbeat between my two servers. There should be something every 5 sec, 

Can someone tell me how and when the heartbeat should occur? Is it active when 
no job is running?
In my config I set the following line for dir, sd and fd:
Heartbeat Interval = 5
This should result in a heartbeat every 5 sec?

I'm thankful for every help I can get.
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