On 2012-09-25 16:58, dweimer wrote:
> Now that I have been running Bacula for several months, I was working 
> on testing disaster recovery, just in case I need to.  I am a little 
> lost though on what I need to do to get the database restored.  I am 
> going on the assumption that All I will have is the off site data 
> (hopefully not ever this bad as this is my home system).
> I have a nightly admin job that kicks off a Python script on the server 
> which creates a bzipped tar of my Bootstrap files, state files, and the 
> server/client configuration files and emails that to my gmail account. 
> So for my test I built a virtual machine (Original and test system 
> running FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE-p4), installed PostgreSQL, and Bacula, 
> created the initial Bacula tables, restored the configuration, 
> bootstrap, and state files from my emailed tar file.
> Here's where things go a little wrong, I mount my external backup drive 
> to the test server, launch bconsole, and issue the status command for 
> the client, since I restored the state files, I can see the job ID of my 
> last catalog Backup.  Then issue the run command, select restore, enter 
> the job ID when prompted, and select mod, enter the bootstrap file from 
> the catalog backup and start the job.
> It returns pretty quick with Media record not found, so I am guessing I 
> am missing a step that would load the volumes on my external backup 
> drive to my new system before it can restore the catalog, from that 
> volume, or am I missing something else?  Below is the output from the 
> console messages on the restore attempt.
> 24-Sep 20:44 bacula.dweimer.local-dir JobId 1: Start Restore Job 
> RestoreFiles.2012-09-24_20.43.59_07
> 24-Sep 20:44 bacula.dweimer.local-dir JobId 1: Using Device 
> "FileStorage"
> 24-Sep 20:44 File JobId 1: Warning: acquire.c:208 Read acquire: Error 
> getting Volume info: 1997 Volume "BV37" not in catalog.
> 24-Sep 20:44 File JobId 1: Ready to read from volume "BV37" on device 
> "FileStorage" (/mnt/bacula/eSATA).
> 24-Sep 20:44 File JobId 1: Forward spacing Volume "BV37" to file:block 
> 21:1319795790.
> 24-Sep 20:44 File JobId 1: End of Volume at file 21 on device 
> "FileStorage" (/mnt/bacula/eSATA), Volume "BV37"
> 24-Sep 20:44 File JobId 1: End of all volumes.
> 24-Sep 20:44 bacula.dweimer.local-dir JobId 1: Error: Unable to get 
> Media record for Volume BV37: ERR=sql_get.c:1094 Media record for Volume 
> "BV37" not found.
> 24-Sep 20:44 File JobId 1: Fatal error: Error getting Volume info: 1991 
> Catalog Request for vol=BV37 failed: 24-Sep 20:44 
> bacula.dweimer.local-dir JobId 1: Error: Bacula bacula.dweimer.local-dir 
> 5.2.12 (12Sep12):
>    Build OS:               amd64-portbld-freebsd9.0 freebsd 
> 9.0-RELEASE-p4
>    JobId:                  1
>    Job:                    RestoreFiles.2012-09-24_20.43.59_07
>    Restore Client:         bacula.dweimer.local-fd
>    Start time:             24-Sep-2012 20:44:01
>    End time:               24-Sep-2012 20:44:25
>    Files Expected:         0
>    Files Restored:         1
>    Bytes Restored:         562,544,754
>    Rate:                   23439.4 KB/s
>    FD Errors:              1
>    FD termination status:  OK
>    SD termination status:  Error
>    Termination:            *** Restore Error ***
You might want to take a look at the bscan command.
as far as I understand it, it reads the tape catalog, and stores it in
the db
after doing this, you can restore files, like you would normally.

this is one way to do it atleast :-)

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