Not the prettiest way.but this is how I backed up VM's.


I attached a backup device to a Windows VM and shared out backup directories
I created.

I edited fstab where Bacula Director daemon is running and configured it to
mount the shares on boot.  The shares were also created and owned on the
Windows machine with the user "bacula".


The rest of it was just changing all the config files and getting everything
pointed to the right places.  I've currently got it backing up 2 Linux
servers, Windows 2008 server, pfSense firewall and a test on my personal
laptop.  Works flawlessy for me.



Michael D. Wood


From: Michael Namaiandeh [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 11:37 AM
Subject: [Bacula-users] Backing up vmware-based virtual machines using


Hi everyone,


I have another question about Bacula. This time it's regarding a vmware
environment. I would like to have Bacula backup some VM's that I have on ESX
machines. I know this is typically done (with other backup software such as
BackupExec) via snapshots. You would set up a service account in Active
Directory called "BackupExec" and configure BackupExec to create a snapshot
of a given server and then copy that snapshot to tape.  My question is: Is
there a way to do this in Bacula? 







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