
I had run Bacula clients on many clusters (Both Windows and RHEL), I
usually configure all the cluster nodes with the same password and in
the Director's config I treat the "virtual" instances as additional
nodes in Bacula. If I'm talking to the nodes, only local data is
backed up, if I point to virtual instnces only the clusterized data is
backed up.

This way I was able to backup anything and is especially handy with
clustered Microsoft services. For example, a clustered SQL server in
Active / Active configuration:

Node 1: Drive C: and D:
Node 2: Drive C: and D:
SQL Resource 1: Drive E:
SQL Resource 2: Drive F:

Will result in the director talking to 4 servers. This way, if the
resource moves from one node to the other even Incremental backups are
performed and no errors are returned for disappearing drives and
paths. Same config can be applied to Linux servers with shared paths
in active / standby configurations.

The only config requirement is to leave the client daemons listen on
all ip addresses, have the same password and make sure the filesets
are different.


On 30 July 2012 10:35, Carlo Filippetto <carlo.filippe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a cluster (node-A & node-B) with 2 partition "/proxy" & "/mail"
> that are clusterized.
> node-A is the default to owner of /proxy
> node-B is the default to owner of /mail
> everyone have a specific IP included the services es:
>  - node-A =
>  - node-B =
>  - proxy =
>  - mail =
> I need to backup all in every case, expecially when the cluster is
> degraded, so I image that I need 4 bacula-fd's istance, 2 for the
> nodes, and 2 for the services.
> In you opinion what is the best practise to configure this istances?
> I need to clusterize the 2 istance connected with the services?
> Thank you.
> ---
> Carlo Filippetto
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