Bacula Version: 5.0.1
OS: Ubuntu 10.04 Server
Spooling is on
Backups to autochanger

Hi all,

Pardon me if this is a nabbish question.  I have recently inherited a bacula 
configuration, and am trying to sort this out.  I see that there are old spool 
files in the spool directory (from as far back as February.)  We recently just 
had a hard crash of the bacula server, which left behind some more spool files 
that bacula seems intent on ignoring.  In the meantime, things do seem to be 
running reasonably smoothly.  Bacula is using the rest of the spool space, 
writing to tape, etc.

My question is this: is there any value in these old spool files?  That is, can 
I somehow get bacula to write them to tape & include their contents in the 
catalog?  Or are they simply filling most of my spool space to no good end, and 
I should just rm them?

Any advice would be appreciated.


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