Am 26.06.2012 20:50, schrieb Martin Simmons:
>>>>>> On Tue, 26 Jun 2012 15:01:30 +0200, Mario Moder said:
>> As the subject says: I have a pool with a file storage and a 
>> migration
>> pool with a tape storage. The documentation says: "Volumes that are
>> still marked Append will not be considered for migration".
>> I have a migration job which does migrate from the appendable volume
>> without an error. Could this be a bug, or is the documention a bit 
>> out
>> of date?
> It might work for some values of the "Selection Type" option.  What 
> is your
> migration job configuration?

Sorry, I replied to you only, not to the list...

Thanks for your answer, this could explain it. Here is my migration job 

Job {
   Name = "migrate"
   Type = Migrate
   Level = Full
   Client = bacula-fd
   FileSet="Full Set"
   Messages = Standard
   Pool = File
   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 4
   Selection Type = Job
   Selection Pattern = "test-micos-job"



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