I have some trouble with a copy job from disk to tape.

After months of tests I'm able to run a copy job:

14-Jun 15:43 b01-dir JobId 16002: The following 1 JobId was chosen to be
copied: 14334
14-Jun 15:43 b01-dir JobId 16002: Copying using JobId=14334
14-Jun 15:43 b01-dir JobId 16002: Bootstrap records written
to /var/lib/bacula/b01-dir.restore.1.bsr
14-Jun 15:43 b01-dir JobId 16002: Start Copying JobId 16002,
14-Jun 15:43 b01-dir JobId 16002: Using Device "TL2000-LTO4-1"
14-Jun 15:43 b01-sd JobId 16002: Ready to read from volume
"20120506_0150-myclient-full" on device
"myclient-FileStorage" (/var/bacula/backups/clients/myclient).
14-Jun 15:43 b01-sd JobId 16002: Forward spacing Volume
"20120506_0150-myclient-full" to file:block 0:245.
14-Jun 15:44 b01-sd JobId 16002: End of Volume at file 1 on device
"myclient-FileStorage" (/var/bacula/backups/clients/myclient), Volume
14-Jun 15:44 b01-sd JobId 16002: End of all volumes.
14-Jun 15:45 b01-dir JobId 16002: Bacula b01-dir 5.0.2 (28Apr10):
14-Jun-2012 15:45:28
  Build OS:               x86_64-pc-linux-gnu debian squeeze/sid
  Prev Backup JobId:      14334
  Prev Backup Job:        myclient-job.2012-05-06_00.30.01_26
  New Backup JobId:       16003
  Current JobId:          16002
  Current Job:            myclient-TapeCopyFull.2012-06-14_15.43.08_03
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 b01-fd
  FileSet:                "None" 2012-04-27 10:18:31
  Read Pool:              "myclient-FullPool" (From Job resource)
  Read Storage:           "myclient-Storage" (From Job resource)
  Write Pool:             "TapeFullPool" (From Job Pool's NextPool
  Write Storage:          "Libreria DELL TL2000" (From Storage from
Pool's NextPool resource)
  Catalog:                "MY_Catalog" (From Client resource)
  Start time:             14-Jun-2012 15:43:10
  End time:               14-Jun-2012 15:45:28
  Elapsed time:           2 mins 18 secs
  Priority:               11
  SD Files Written:       178,215
  SD Bytes Written:       4,929,778,080 (4.929 GB)
  Rate:                   35723.0 KB/s
  Volume name(s):         001003L4
  Volume Session Id:      4
  Volume Session Time:    1339677455
  Last Volume Bytes:      11,580,871,680 (11.58 GB)
  SD Errors:              0
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Copying OK

14-Jun 15:45 b01-dir JobId 16002: Begin pruning Jobs older than 6
months .
14-Jun 15:45 b01-dir JobId 16002: No Jobs found to prune.
14-Jun 15:45 b01-dir JobId 16002: Begin pruning Jobs.
14-Jun 15:45 b01-dir JobId 16002: No Files found to prune.
14-Jun 15:45 b01-dir JobId 16002: End auto prune.

Seems to be all OK, but how can I ensure that these files was
copied properly to the tape library?

35723.0 KB/s seems a bit too high for an LTO4 tape.

How can I verify the copy? Can I list the contents of my tapes?

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