Hey Steve, 

I had something similar happen to me here, bacula will respect your retention 
policies, and your volume limit. So if you have 200 files and you have 
configured a limit of 205, when the next job starts, it will recycle anything 
it can, use any volume that is purged, then start creating new disk volumes if 
the current number of volumes is below the maximum allowed. Once you reach that 
maximum, Bacula will sit there waiting for a usable volume. It will send out 
email messages to the configured address saying it needs you to create a new 
volume or make a new volume available. Once you do this, it will continue it's 
backup with the new volume.



I am going to try setting the Volumes Maximum setting and see what happens.  I 
calculated the number of volumes I think I need and the gave a few spares.


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