Hi folks,

I've been running copy jobs for the last couple of months to copy disk
backups to tape with good results. However running only one copy job
at the same time results in long copy queues that run into the start
of the evening incrementals, so I was wondering how to increase the
number of jobs running in parallel to speed things up a bit. In
the copy job definition, I have 

Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 6

Normal backups to disk volumes run 4 at a time, to the rest of the
bacula config looks ok and seems to allow parallel jobs. However when
the copy job starts, 

I only see one job running with the rest of them waiting for max
client jobs: 

26053 Full    copy.2012-05-29_09.43.52_04 is waiting on max Client
 26057 Full    copy.2012-05-29_09.43.56_08 is running
 26058 Increme  server2057.2012-05-29_09.43.56_09 is running
 26059 Full    copy.2012-05-29_09.43.56_10 is waiting on max Client
 26060 Increme  server2091.2012-05-29_09.43.56_11 is waiting execution
 26061 Full    copy.2012-05-29_09.43.56_12 is waiting on max Client
 26062 Increme  server48.2012-05-29_09.43.56_13 is waiting execution
 26063 Full    copy.2012-05-29_09.43.56_14 is waiting on max Client
 26064 Increme  server2090.2012-05-29_09.43.56_15 is waiting execution

Can anyone tell me which client max job parameter is being checked
here? All my full backups run to a single disk volume (per day), so is
the storage definition the limiting factor (but it's set to allow six
concurrent jobs), or is only a single copy job allowed to *read* from
a volume at a time? As you can tell I'm a bit confused, any help is
greatly appreciated. 

All the best & thanks in advance for your comments, 


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