Il giorno lun, 07/05/2012 alle 12.45 -0700, Tim Krieger ha scritto:
> Hi Gandalf, while I do not have exactly the same requirements, possibly the 
> information below will be helpful.
> You do not mention it but I am assuming you are doing backups to disk. 

Yes, actually i'm doing backup to disks.

>  You also do not mention using the tape device for any other backups so I 
> will assume you do not(If you do, there is some trickery you may need to 
> employ).

Tape device is not used.

> It sounds like you need to modify your Full Pool for each client, add the 
> "Next Pool" resource and point it at the Tape drive pool(lets call it Tape).

Already done for a test client, but Bacula is not able 
to connect to the tape.

This is my test client pool:

Pool {
   Name = myclient-FullPool
   Label Format = "${Year}${Month:p/2/0/r}${Day:p/2/0/r}_
   Pool Type = Backup
   Recycle = no
   AutoPrune = yes
   Volume Retention = 90 days
   Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
   Action On Purge = Truncate
   Next Pool = Tape # Necessario per fare la copia su nastro

> The following copy job is what works for me :
> Job {
>   Name = "Offsite Backup"
>   Client = backup-fd
>   JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
>   Type = Copy
>   FileSet = "Full Set"
>   Priority = 11
>   SpoolData = No
>   Messages = ErrorOnly
>   Schedule = "Offsite Schedule"
>   Pool = File
>   Selection Type = SQL Query
>   Selection Pattern = "select * from offsite_backups"
> }

This is mine:

Job {
  Name = "TapeCopyFull"
  Type = Copy
  Pool = myclient-FullPool
  Level = Full
  Schedule = "WeeklyTapeFull"
  Client = None
  Fileset = None
  Selection Type = SQLQuery
  Selection Pattern = "SELECT * FROM Job WHERE (EndTime BETWEEN NOW() -
INTERVAL 40 DAY AND NOW()) AND Level = 'F' AND (JobStatus = 'e' OR
JobStatus = 'T') AND Name LIKE '%myclient%' GROUP BY Name;"
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
  Allow Duplicate Jobs = Yes
  Messages = Standard
  Storage = File
  Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/offsite-copy-%c.bsr"

what should I use as Client option ?

> You may run into problems if you have multiple source pools.  I am selecting 
> particular backups by name, you could drop this and choose all backups if you 
> wish.
> The query should return the highest ID number for each job name ( type : F 
> (Full), status : T(OK) or W(warnings only, no errors)

I have tons of Full Pools that need to by copied to tape.
Should I edit each pool and add the Next Pool option or should I use a
single configuration that will copy all full pools in a single run?

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