Am 04.05.2012 00:25, schrieb Volker Böhm:
> The director is version 5.0.1 on an Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server. The version 
> which was shipped/updated by the distribution.
> One SD is also version 5.0.1 on the same machine.
> The other (main) SD was 5.?.? on my Workstation, a Linux Mint 12 (Ubuntu 
> 11.10 clone). This was also the one, which was shipped with this 
> distribution.
> Some days ago I updated/reinstalled this Workstation to an Ubuntu 12.04 
> (bacula version 5.2.6) and now every attempt to store anything via the 
> SD on this machine does not work:
>> 03-May 23:23 vbserver-dir JobId 1486: Start Backup JobId 1486, 
>> Job=lpasgg207.2012-05-03_23.23.57_15
>> 03-May 23:27 vbserver-dir JobId 1486: Fatal error: Storage daemon rejected 
>> Job command: 3915 Bad Job command. stat=-1 CMD: JobId=1486 
>> job=lpasgg207.2012-05-03_23.23.57_15 job_name=lpasgg207 
>> client_name=lpasgg207-fd type=66 level=70 FileSet=lpasgg207 NoAttr=0 
>> SpoolAttr=0 FileSetMD5=J6/Lb3tny3IJIz+BFnM0GC SpoolData=0 
>> WritePartAfterJob=1 PreferMountedVols=1 SpoolSize=0 Resched=144058568
> Does anyone know the reason for this behavior?
> All (3-4) hits I had in googling this error are very old and point to 
> version mismatchen between director and SD.

And that is indeed the reason. The director and SD should have the same
version. It's no problem if the FDs are older. (Except for the unfixed
bugs and missing features in that old versions, of course.)

> But I think it's impossible 
> to use the same version, if you have more than 5 or 10 Computers with 
> several operating systems.

No, it's not impossible.

First of all, it's quite unusual to have 5 or 10 SDs. Most installations
have one or two, and in the majority of cases one of them will be on the
same machine as the director. So you only have to make sure that those
two or three machines run the same version.

Second, you don't have to run the version that comes with the
distribution. I'd even say in most cases you shouldn't, as that version
is usually outdated. There are packages of the latest stable version
available for most common distributions, and you would be well advised
to run those instead of the older ones packaged with the distribution,
at least on your director and SDs.

And finally, if everything else fails, you can always compile exactly
the version you need from source.


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