On 04/19/2012 05:04 PM, Jerome Alet wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 10:11:20AM -0400, Josh Fisher wrote:
>> Changing the "action on purge" for the pool does not change it for the
>> old volumes that were created before the change was made. You have to
>> individually update the action on purge for each of those old volumes.
> Sorry I didn't mention it but I did this with :
>       UPDATE media SET actiononpurge=1;
> But still no volume is truncated excepted at recycle time, when possible
> (in our case not possible anymore for our Full storage pool).
> Since all storage pools are on the same disk partition, despite the
> Differential and Incremental storage pools having hundreds (they are
> small) of "dead" volumes, Full backups still can't happen because
> there's not a single recyclable volume in the Full storage pool.
> Any other idea ?

I gather you are creating a new volume for every job, and never reusing
the old ones.  So write a simple shell script that will connect to the
bacula DB, select VolumeName from Media where VolStatus = 'Purged', save
the list of volume names, and delete them from the disk.

What I do:  All disk volumes have   RecyclePool = Scratch
Then I run this admin job once a week:

Job {
  Name = "Clean Expired Volumes"
  Type = Admin
  Enabled = Yes
  Pool = Scratch
  FileSet = Dummy
  Storage = babylon4-file
  Client = babylon4
  Level = Full
  RunBeforeJob = "/opt/bacula/sbin/clean_volumes -v"
  Rerun Failed Levels = yes
  Messages = Daemon
  Priority = 20
  Allow Duplicate Jobs = no
  Cancel Queued Duplicates = yes
  Schedule = "Volume Cleanup"


use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use IPC::Open2;
use IO::Handle;

my $bconsole = '/opt/bacula/bin/bconsole';
my (%opts, @purged, $pid);


my ($IN, $OUT) = (IO::Handle->new(), IO::Handle->new());

$pid = open2($OUT, $IN, $bconsole);

if (scalar (@purged = check_volumes()))
    printf("Bacula reports the following purged volumes:\n\t%s\n",
           join("\n\t", @purged)) if ($opts{verbose});
    my $deleted = delete_volumes(@purged);
    print "$deleted volumes deleted.\n" if ($opts{verbose});
elsif ($opts{verbose})
    print "No purged volumes found to delete.\n";

print $IN "exit\n";
waitpid($pid, 0);

exit (0);

sub check_volumes
    my $dividers = 0;
    my (@purged, @row);

    print $IN "list volumes pool=Scratch\n";
    for (;;)
        my $resp = <$OUT>;
        last if ($resp =~ /No results to list./);
        $dividers++ if ($resp =~ /^[\+\-]+$/);
        last if ($dividers == 3);
        @row = split(/\s+/, $resp);
        push (@purged, $row[3]) if ($row[5] eq 'Purged');

    return (@purged);

sub delete_volumes
    my $volume_dir = '/spool/bacula/';
    my $count = 0;

    foreach my $vol (@_)
        my $l;
        my $file = $volume_dir.$vol;

        print "Deleting volume $vol from catalog ... " if ($opts{verbose});
        print $IN "delete volume=$vol yes\n";
        $l = <$OUT>;
        $l = <$OUT>;
        print "Done.\nDeleting volume $file from disk ... " if
        if (-f $file)
            unlink ($file);
        print "Done.\n" if ($opts{verbose});

    return ($count);

  Phil Stracchino, CDK#2     DoD#299792458     ICBM: 43.5607, -71.355
  ala...@caerllewys.net   ala...@metrocast.net   p...@co.ordinate.org
  Renaissance Man, Unix ronin, Perl hacker, SQL wrangler, Free Stater
                 It's not the years, it's the mileage.

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