Greetings list.

Whilst doing a restore I have discovered a failure on an LTO4 tape in one of my 
pools. The error message indicated that the tape drive had changed from 
variable to fixed block size.
The tape changer(HP ML4048) can read the barcode correctly. However bacula 
claimed that it was not a valid bacula volume.
After a day of googling and reading the manual I tried to recover or list using 
In all instances bacula refused to move forward once it had identified that 
there was no tape label.
I resorted to btape(always slight scary). Once I had verified that the tape 
didn't actually have a label I applied the label to the tape through the 
command line tools.**

**this was a big mistake - i was in the wrong terminal window and wasn't 

A btape status produces this:
btape: btape.c:578 Rewound "Drive_0" (/dev/nst0)
 Bacula status: file=0 block=0
 Device status: BOT ONLINE IM_REP_EN file=0 block=0
btape: btape.c:2138 Device status: 645. ERR=

 And a bextract attempt produces:
[root@fileserver06 ~]# bextract -p -V VARCA038 /dev/nst0 
bextract: butil.c:287 Using device: "/dev/nst0" for reading.
17-Apr 17:36 bextract JobId 0: No slot defined in catalog (slot=0) for Volume 
"VARCA038" on "Drive_0" (/dev/nst0).
17-Apr 17:36 bextract JobId 0: Cartridge change or "update slots" may be 
17-Apr 17:36 bextract JobId 0: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" 
17-Apr 17:36 bextract JobId 0: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result is 
Slot 1.
17-Apr 17:36 bextract JobId 0: Ready to read from volume "VARCA038" on device 
"Drive_0" (/dev/nst0).
17-Apr 17:36 bextract JobId 0: End of Volume at file 1 on device "Drive_0" 
(/dev/nst0), Volume "VARCA038"
17-Apr 17:36 bextract JobId 0: End of all volumes.
0 files restored.

So that's great because it's labelled correctly,right?

So my understanding is btape has written an EOD or EOF? 

Is there a way to 'unmark' it to get at the existing blocks of data?



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