On Thu, Apr 05, 2012 at 12:30:43PM +0200, Dennis Hoppe wrote:
> Hello Uwe,

> the "Selection Type" is defined at the following "JobDefs". I read
> somwhere that i have to use a "Selection Type" instead of
> "PoolUncopiedJobs", because it does not set a "priorjobid".

Hi Dennis, 

sorry I must have overlooked that bit. Thanks to your previous example
I have now been able to define a fine-grained copy job for one of my
pools as I wasn't even aware of the SQLQuery Selection type ;-) 

I'm happy to report that in my case, everything worked as expected so
checked your config for any obvious boo-boos (I think you can tell by
now that my bacula expertise is still very superficial, even after
five years of admin'ing multiple deployments). 

> I am wondering how Bacula is getting the "NextPool", because the
> Database shows nothing and why Bacula thinks there is nothing to copy.
>  poolid |        name        | nextpoolid
> --------+--------------------+------------
>       4 | backup-monthly     |          0
>       5 | backup-daily       |          0
>       6 | backup-weekly      |          0
>      50 | backup-monthly-usb |          0
>      51 | backup-daily-usb   |          0
>      52 | backup-weekly-usb  |          0
>      89 | backup-monthly-nas |          0
>      90 | backup-daily-nas   |          0
>      91 | backup-weekly-nas  |          0

Just out of curiousity, are all your online / disk based pools living
in the same directory? 

All the best, Uwe 

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