
I'm backing up with bacula using an eSATA harddisk I'd like to
automatically mount before bacula accesses it and unmount it
after the access is done.

I'm running FreeBSD 9/amd64.

I have the following bacula-sd.conf part:

Device {
   Name = FileStorage
   Media Type = File
   Archive Device = /mnt/backup
#  Archive Device = /dev/ufs/backup
   LabelMedia = yes;                   # lets Bacula label unlabeled media
   Random Access = Yes;
   AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
   RemovableMedia = yes;
   AlwaysOpen = no;

   Requires Mount  = yes
   Mount Point     = /mnt/backup
   Mount Command   = "/sbin/mount /mnt/backup"
   Unmount Command = "/sbin/umount /dev/ufs/backup /mnt/backup"

While an example Job entry is:

Job {
   Name = client-nudel-files
   Type = Backup
   JobDefs = defaults
   Client = nudel-fd
   FileSet = nudel-files
   Write Bootstrap = "/var/db/bacula/client-nudel-files.bsr"
   Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"

I'm using this configuration since around 2009 and the harddisk
never unmounts or mounts automatically. I is mounted all the
time but I now want to get this working finally "the right way".

I have no idea what I should configure differently - I thought,
that regarding the handbook everything is configured right.

But - when I issue a restore command while having the FS unmounted
(to check if mounting it works) I'm getting:

02-Apr 21:41 backup-sd JobId 409: Warning: acquire.c:239 Read open
              device "FileStorage" (/mnt/backup) Volume "Full-0002"
              failed: ERR=dev.c:568
              Could not open: /mnt/backup/Full-0002,
              ERR=No such file or directory

02-Apr 21:41 backup-sd JobId 409: Please mount Volume "Full-0002" for:
     Job:          client-fiori-files-r.2012-04-02_21.41.29_46
     Storage:      "FileStorage" (/mnt/backup)
     Pool:         Bacula-Pool
     Media type:   File

So.. what am I supposed to do to get this fixed?


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