
I have a problem with restore, that gives :

With bat, I choose :
Client, List jobs of client and select a Job,
Restore from time,
I obtain the list of files and directories,
But when I click on an empty directory,
I have :

Current Dir Node truc has no children

and even if I click on another directory, this message stays and I can't 
see anymore the contents of others directories.

I have the same problem when I restore with the bconsole.

(For information, brestore works for small jobs, but I have a spinning 
circle for big jobs : it's another problem.)

Configuration :
    Host:             x86_64-linux-gnu -- debian 6.0.4
    Bacula version:         Bacula 5.2.6 (21 February 2012)
    Database :         PostgreSQL 9.1
    Bat : bat 5.2.6 (21 February 2012)

Does anyone has the same problem and solution ?


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