
I have been using bacula to back up my local linux machine (Mint 11) and
a Mac laptop for a couple of years now, and I would like to update my
linux OS to a new version.  To get a good, stable system, I have always
done a pretty clean install (basically only saved /home partition, and
installed a new set of system software in the / partition).  I'd like to
continue to use bacula after my new OS install, which will overwrite all
the bacula system files (not the backup files, of course - they are on a
separate drive, USB mounted).
I know I need to save the /etc/bacula configuration files, but what else
do I need to save?  I am using SQlite3 for the catalog.  I expect that I
will need to save that by dumping it to a file, like the catalog backup
script does.  Is there anything else I need to save, to save the state
of bacula and just continue on after I've loaded the new OS?

I looked around, but couldn't find a how-to on this, so many thanks for
any help.


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