
I was wondering if anyone could confirm what I've noticed on my own 
instance of bacula, which seems contrary to the Bacula manual.

 From DataSpooling section:
> If you are running multiple simultaneous jobs, Bacula will continue spooling 
> other jobs while one is despooling to tape, provided there is sufficient 
> spool file space.

This seems to be true, only if the jobs in question were launched at the 
same time/concurrently.  New jobs launched while a job is despooling, 
are launched into a "running" state, but they do not begin to spool 
until the existing job(s) finish despooling.

This is very sad, because I just came into a windfall of spool space and 
I was hoping to run jobs back to back, such that while one set of jobs 
were despooling, I could have the next set spooling, and so on.

I see an old bug 0001231 with a similar issue, which in the history it 
is pointed out that it may not be that new jobs can't spool while 
existing jobs despool, but that the new jobs cannot verify that they 
will have tape access, which is a step before spooling begins.

I wonder if this is the state of affairs and if there are any plans to 
improve upon this inefficiency.

Stephen Thompson               Berkeley Seismological Laboratory
step...@seismo.berkeley.edu    215 McCone Hall # 4760
404.538.7077 (phone)           University of California, Berkeley
510.643.5811 (fax)             Berkeley, CA 94720-4760

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