On Thursday 08 March 2012 20:35:10 Andrea Conti wrote:
> Hello,
> > I've added exclude entries for most of the folders
> > I don't want to back up but they're still being included,
> Which folders are still being included? All of them or just some?
> A lot of the "default" folders under windows 7 (for example 'Application
> Data' and 'Local Settings' in every user directory) are really junction
> points, i.e. a kind of link referring to some other folder: you are
> probably excluding the junction points (which bacula does not descend
> into anyway) instead of the actual folders.
> You can use "dir /a" in a command prompt to quickly find out what
> folders are really junctions and what they point to.
> andrea

Hi Andrea,

Examples are:


The user has taken her laptop home so I'm looking at another Win7 PC but here 
are the dir outputs:

C:\>dir /a
dir /a
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is F8E2-C48B

 Directory of C:\

21/02/2012  13:29    <DIR>          $Recycle.Bin
21/02/2012  17:05             1,024 .rnd
21/02/2012  13:36                86 csb.log
14/07/2009  05:08    <JUNCTION>     Documents and Settings [C:\Users]
07/03/2012  16:42     3,208,044,544 hiberfil.sys
21/02/2012  13:32    <DIR>          Intel
21/02/2012  17:06               390 ladmine-fd.conf
21/02/2012  13:50    <DIR>          MSOCache
07/03/2012  16:42     4,277,395,456 pagefile.sys
14/07/2009  03:20    <DIR>          PerfLogs
21/02/2012  16:10    <DIR>          Program Files
24/02/2012  03:00    <DIR>          Program Files (x86)
21/02/2012  16:16    <DIR>          ProgramData
21/02/2012  13:29    <DIR>          Recovery
21/02/2012  13:36             3,026 RHDSetup.log
07/03/2012  02:17    <DIR>          System Volume Information
21/02/2012  16:10    <DIR>          Users
08/03/2012  23:31    <DIR>          Windows
               6 File(s)  7,485,444,526 bytes
              12 Dir(s)  458,721,439,744 bytes free

C:\Windows>dir /a
dir /a           
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is F8E2-C48B

 Directory of C:\Windows

08/03/2012  23:31    <DIR>          .
08/03/2012  23:31    <DIR>          ..
21/02/2012  14:10               499 win.ini
14/07/2009  04:54               749 WindowsShell.Manifest
08/03/2012  19:36         1,242,504 WindowsUpdate.log
08/03/2012  23:31            16,896 winexesvc.exe
14/07/2009  01:14             9,728 winhlp32.exe
03/03/2012  03:19    <DIR>          winsxs
10/06/2009  20:52           316,640 WMSysPr9.prx
14/07/2009  01:39            10,240 write.exe
              37 File(s)      8,954,905 bytes
              59 Dir(s)  458,721,435,648 bytes free


Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages

Virtualization & Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
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