Hi Markus,

On Thu, Mar 08, 2012 at 09:09:22AM +0100, Markus Kress wrote:
> defined sequence. In other words: only the backup and verify jobs should
> run concurrently, the admin jobs in a defined sequence before and after all
> other jobs.
> admin job 1
> admin job 2
> admin job 3
> backup job client 1, backup job client 2 ...
> verify job client 1, verify job client 2 ... (VolumeToCatalog)
> admin job 4
> admin job 5
> admin job 6

I solve similar things with priorities and a job to schedule the admin
jobs. The core statements are:
  Allow Mixed Priority = no
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 100

All backup jobs are run at e.g priority 50, then you can just run the
admin jobs beforhand with priorities between 1 and 40, those afterwards
with priorities between 60 and 100. The verify jobs you can run e.g. at
priority 55 all at once in a schedule or scheduled by the individual job
as a post-job, depending on how your load-szenario is.
The numbers are made up, I use priorities 5-20 myself and an admin job
ScheduleCopyMigrate (priority 15) priority that schedules 3 admin jobs,
CopyArch (prio 5), MigrateTape (prio 7), CopyTape (prio 8). The
ScheduleCopyArchive is timed after the backups (prio 10) start.
That way all backups are done, then CopyArch runs, which in turn
schedules a ton of copy jobs at priority 5, when they are done
MigrateTape schedules a few migration jobs at prio 7, after they are
done, CopyTape schedules more copy jobs at priority 8.
That way I make sure, all scheduled jobs are done before the next normal
backups start.

Yes, I am aware this has nothing to do with admin connections.

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