2012/1/31  <mark.berg...@uphs.upenn.edu>:
> In the message dated: Tue, 31 Jan 2012 17:14:24 -0200,
> The pithy ruminations from Isamar Maia on
> <[Bacula-users] Autochanger Problem: Second label is not being mounted> were:
> => Hi Folks,
> =>
> => We are using a HP 1x8 G2 AutoLDR Autochanger with Bacula version 5.2.3
> =>
> => We're facing the following problem:
> =>
> => 1) When I restart Bacula and run a Daily backup job, it automatically
> => mounts the first tape, labeled as "KDZ000L4"(tape1)
> => and it works perfectly well.
> =>
> => 2)  In the sequence, when it's necessary to load a second
> => tape(KDZ003L4), the tape is physically loaded into the drive but
> => Bacula stucks
> => with the following message:
> Was that tape already labeled?

Yes. I can see them with "list volumes".

And "mtx -f /dev/changer status" says:

mtx -f /dev/changer status
  Storage Changer /dev/changer:1 Drives, 8 Slots ( 0 Import/Export )
Data Transfer Element 0:Full (Storage Element 8 Loaded):VolumeTag =
      Storage Element 1:Empty
      Storage Element 2:Empty
      Storage Element 3:Empty
      Storage Element 4:Empty
      Storage Element 5:Full :VolumeTag=KDZ000L4
      Storage Element 6:Full :VolumeTag=KDZ001L4
      Storage Element 7:Full :VolumeTag=KDZ002L4
      Storage Element 8:Empty

I imported them into Bacula using "update volumes".
Also, "list volumes" lists them OK.

> Was that tape used before?
> =>
> => Device status:
> => Autochanger "HP_Autoloader" with devices:
> =>    "Fita" (/dev/nst0)
> => Device "FileStorage" (/tmp) is not open.
> => Device "Fita" (/dev/nst0) open but no Bacula volume is currently mounted.
> =>     Device is BLOCKED waiting for mount of volume "KDZ003L4",
> =>        Pool:        Monthly
> =>        Media type:  LTO-4
> =>     Slot 8 is loaded in drive 0.
> =>     Total Bytes Read=1,032,192 Blocks Read=16 Bytes/block=64,512
> =>     Positioned at File=0 Block=0
> => ====
> =>
> Have you verified the label?
>        stop bacula-sd
>        load the tape (mtx)
>        run "btape" with the storage device name from bacula-sd.conf
>        for the Fita device
>        run "readlabel"

One problem here.. when running "readlabel", an error comes out:

Tape block granularity is 1024 bytes.
btape: butil.c:290 Using device: "/dev/nst0" for writing.
31-Jan 18:44 btape JobId 0: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" command.
31-Jan 18:44 btape JobId 0: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result
is Slot 8.
btape: btape.c:477 open device "Fita" (/dev/nst0): OK
31-Jan 18:45 btape JobId 0: Error:
btape: btape.c:526 Volume has no label.

> The problem sounds very similar to what I described previously. See the
> list archive for the subject "critical error -- tape labels get corrupted,
> previous backups unreadable":
>        http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=28718589
> Mark
> =>
> => What should be the problem ?
> =>
> => Isamar
> =>
> =>
> => --
> => Isamar Maia
> => Cel. VIVO SSA:  (55) 71-9146-8575
> => Cel. TIM SSA: (55) 71-9185-5264
> => Fixo:  (55) 71-4062-8688
> => 日本: +81-(0)3-4550-1212
> => Skype ID: isamar.maia
> =>

Isamar Maia
Cel. VIVO SSA:  (55) 71-9146-8575
Cel. TIM SSA: (55) 71-9185-5264
Fixo:  (55) 71-4062-8688
日本: +81-(0)3-4550-1212
Skype ID: isamar.maia

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