> > > > So I would say give the xattr=yes a go on your install and see
> > > > if it works for these attributes. You could create a test fileset
> > > > with a known file with a posix file capability and run the bacula-fd
> > > > with a debug level of 100 and watch for xattr save messages.
I can confirm the version of Bacula in Fedora 16 you're mentioning is
compiled with the xattr support.
If you want to try a later build with the same version you can download the
latest update which is still in updates-testing. To install you should do
(as root):
yum -y --enablerepo=updates-testing update bacula-\*
Here are the update requests with the changes:
The line that states "POSIX.1e" capabilities in the changelog is only
relevant to the enablement of bacula-fd regarding the ReadAll capability
Otherwise you can try the latest 5.2.3 backported from rawhide:
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