
I'm trying to restore a catalog froma a tape to a new bacula server
insrtallation. My new server intallation is using mysql and the old one
was using postgresql. When I try to restore the catalog from a tape (see
below), bscan try to login in a postgresql server but there is no more
postgresql server. Can I force bscan to connect to a mysql server ?
There is a -D option in the bscan command but I don't have found any
information on the parameter I have to provide.


bscan -V 000072L5 -v -s -m -c mysdconf -h mydbserver -P mydbpasswd -t
3306 /dev/nst0

bscan: butil.c:281 Using device: "/dev/nst0" for reading.
27-Dec 12:35 bscan JobId 0: Invalid slot=0 defined in catalog for Volume
"000072L5" on "LTO5-Drive" (/dev/nst0). Manual load may be required.
27-Dec 12:35 bscan JobId 0: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0"
27-Dec 12:35 bscan JobId 0: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result
is Slot 7.
27-Dec 12:35 bscan JobId 0: Ready to read from volume "000072L5" on
device "LTO5-Drive" (/dev/nst0).
27-Dec 12:35 bscan: ERROR TERMINATION at bscan.c:304
postgresql.c:227 Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server. Database=bacula
Possible causes: SQL server not running; password incorrect;
max_connections exceeded.

Laurent Pirotte
System Administrator
laurent.piro...@handicap.be <mailto:Laurent%20Pirotte>
tél : + 32 (0)2 233 01 52
fax : + 32 (0)2 230 60 30
Handicap International
rue de Spa 67
1000 Bruxelles
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