Am 23.12.2011 12:07, schrieb Dietz Pröpper:

> Now the question, is it possible to have the incremental jobs run with data
> spooling on and the full ones with spooling off? As far as I can see from
> the manual, I can not accomplish that by means of a Schedule ressource, and
> turning spooling on for all backups would slow down the full cycles quite a
> bit.
> Any idea?


Here's on of my schedules from bacula-dir.conf which does what you want 
to accomplish (the Job resource is shortened by three dots to hilight 
the relevant sections):

Job {
   Name = "reha36-dbbak-job"
   Type = Backup
   Level = Full
   SpoolData = no

Schedule {
   Name = "reha36-dbbak-schedule"
   Run = Level=Full Pool=monthly-pool 1st sun at 03:00
   Run = Level=Full Pool=weekly-pool 2nd-5th sun at 03:00
   Run = Level=Full Pool=daily-pool mon at 03:00
   Run = Level=Incremental Pool=daily-pool SpoolData=yes tue-sat at 03:00



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