On Dec 23, 2011, at 6:26 PM, David Newman wrote:

> On 12/23/11 2:38 PM, Dan Langille wrote:
>> On Dec 23, 2011, at 5:35 PM, David Newman wrote:
>>> On 12/23/11 2:21 PM, Dan Langille wrote:
>>>> On Dec 20, 2011, at 1:19 PM, David Newman wrote:
>>>>> bacula 5.2.2, FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE
>>>>> After upgrading bacula-server from 5.0.3 to 5.2.2 using FreeBSD ports
>>>>> and updating the (PostgreSQL) bacula database, all jobs run fine except
>>>>> for the final one on the bacula server, the one that dumps the catalog
>>>>> before making a backup.
>>>>> The error looks like this:
>>>>> 20-Dec 00:08 nye-dir JobId 8183: shell command: run BeforeJob
>>>>> "/home/bacula/bin/make_catalog_backup bacula bacula"
>>>>> 20-Dec 00:08 nye-dir JobId 8183: BeforeJob: pg_dump: SQL command failed
>>>>> 20-Dec 00:08 nye-dir JobId 8183: BeforeJob: pg_dump: Error message from
>>>>> server: ERROR:  permission denied for relation restore object
>>>> This is the key line.  The PostgresSQL user, with which the script is 
>>>> connecting to
>>>> the database, does not have correct permissions on that table.
>>>>> 20-Dec 00:08 nye-dir JobId 8183: BeforeJob: pg_dump: The command was:
>>>>> LOCK TABLE public.restoreobject IN ACCESS SHARE MODE
>>>>> 20-Dec 00:08 nye-dir JobId 8183: Error: Runscript: BeforeJob returned
>>>>> non-zero status=1. ERR=Child exited with code 1
>>>>> Running the same command manually as user pgsql also fails with the same
>>>>> permission denied error.
>>>> If you connect to
>>>> the database using psql, you'll see something like this (I did the version 
>>>> table)
>>>> bacula=# \dp version
>>>>                             Access privileges
>>>> Schema |  Name   | Type  |   Access privileges   | Column access 
>>>> privileges 
>>>> --------+---------+-------+-----------------------+--------------------------
>>>> public | version | table | bacula=arwdDxt/bacula | 
>>>>                         : dan=arwdDxt/bacula      
>>>> (1 row)
>>>> bacula=# 
>>>> You need to grant permissions on the table appropriately.  These commands 
>>>> may be in the upgrade script… or you'll have to do them yourself.  Now 
>>>> that the
>>>> issue is known, others may be able to help.
>>> Thanks, Dan. In this case, it appears users pgsql and bacula have
>>> identical privileges:
>>> [dnewman@nye ~]$ sudo -u pgsql /usr/local/bin/psql bacula
>>> Welcome to psql 8.2.22, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
>>> Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
>>>      \h for help with SQL commands
>>>      \? for help with psql commands
>>>      \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
>>>      \q to quit
>>> bacula=# \dp version
>>>              Access privileges for database "bacula"
>>> Schema |  Name   | Type  |            Access privileges
>>> --------+---------+-------+------------------------------------------
>>> public | version | table | {pgsql=arwdxt/pgsql,bacula=arwdxt/pgsql}
>>> (1 row)
>> Now, compare the version table with the table causing the problem.  Try
>> \dp restore
> A little progress, still not fixed. In this case the table name was
> restoreobject. Orginally, \dp showed no access privileges for it. I
> fixed that:
> bacula=# \dp restoreobject
>                  Access privileges for database "bacula"
> Schema |     Name      | Type  |            Access privileges
> --------+---------------+-------+------------------------------------------
> public | restoreobject | table | {pgsql=arwdxt/pgsql,bacula=arwdxt/pgsql}
> But that dump command still bombs with a permissions error, even after
> adding user pgsql to the bacula group and granting write access to the
> group:
> [dnewman@nye ~]$ grep pgsql /etc/group
> bacula:*:910:dnewman,pgsql
> [dnewman@nye ~]$ sudo chmod g+w /usr/home/bacula
> /usr/home/bacula/working /usr/home/bacula/working/*
> [dnewman@nye ~]$ sudo -u pgsql /home/bacula/bin/make_catalog_backup
> bacula bacula
> pg_dump: SQL command failed
> pg_dump: Error message from server: ERROR:  permission denied for
> relation restoreobject_restoreobjectid_seq
> pg_dump: The command was: SELECT sequence_name, last_value,
> increment_by, CASE WHEN increment_by > 0 AND max_value =
> 9223372036854775807 THEN NULL      WHEN increment_by < 0 AND max_value =
> -1 THEN NULL      ELSE max_value END AS max_value, CASE WHEN
> increment_by > 0 AND min_value = 1 THEN NULL      WHEN increment_by < 0
> AND min_value = -9223372036854775807 THEN NULL      ELSE min_value END
> AS min_value, cache_value, is_cycled, is_called from
> restoreobject_restoreobjectid_seq
> At this point I'm unclear where the permissions problem exists.

Within PostgreSQL.  The PostgreSQL user does not have permissions on that table…

This is not a Unix permissions issue.  

> Thanks in advance for further clues.
> dn
>> I am not using 5.2.2, so I did the version table as an example of what it 
>> should look like.
>>> bacula-# \l
>>>      List of databases
>>>  Name    | Owner  | Encoding
>>> -----------+--------+-----------
>>> bacula    | bacula | SQL_ASCII
>>> postgres  | pgsql  | UTF8
>>> template0 | pgsql  | UTF8
>>> template1 | pgsql  | UTF8
>>> (4 rows)
>>> User bacula's shell is defined as /sbin/nologin, so I think it's user
>>> pgsql that's doing the work (at least it was prior to the upgrade). User
>>> bacula cannot launch psql nor can I su to that user because of the
>>> nologin setting.
>>> What permissions do I need to change to get this dump working?
>>> Thanks again!
>>> dn
>>>>> I have restarted all bacula and postgresql daemons since the upgrade. I
>>>>> have not changed any permissions in the /home/bacula directory.
>>>>> Thanks in advance for troubleshooting clues.
>>>>> dn
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Dan Langille - http://langille.org

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