
I've updated the package on top of what is currently in Fedora.

In there we have this post scriptlet:

%pre common
/usr/sbin/fedora-groupadd 33 -r bacula &>/dev/null || :
/usr/sbin/fedora-useradd  33 -r -s /sbin/nologin -d /var/spool/bacula -M \
        -c 'Bacula Backup System' -g bacula bacula &>/dev/null || :

It is used to create predictable user / group assignment + some other
features like logging, etc.

It is not a requirement but a recommendation inside the Fedora
packaging guidelines:


The package itself is in Fedora and Epel as well, so adding Bacula
should not be a problem:


I could try to remove that and put standard useradd / userdel
commands, but I need to assess the change with the other Bacula
mantainers and good reasons to do so.
Is there any particular requirement on why you would like to avoid
using fedora-usermgmt?


On 15 December 2011 15:42, Joseph L. Casale <jcas...@activenetwerx.com> wrote:
>> I'm happy to address all the package issues people might encounter and
>> I'm available to ideas or constructive criticism regarding choices or
>> features missing.
>> When I will get enough feedback that the approach used inside the
>> package is right I will try to see if some patches could be integrated
>> in the base code by pushing them to the bacula-devel mailing list.
> Simone,
> Thanks for doing this and one question, why the dependency on fedora-usermgmt?
> First I have seen of bacula packages needing it so I find it hard to believe
> Its genuinely important?
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