On Nov 11, 2011, at 11:52 AM, Bill Arlofski wrote:

> Does anyone know where I can find the schedule that Bacula follows when
> sending operator notifications (eg: Intervention needed... for mounting a
> volume etc)?
> Thought I saw it somewhere once, possibly on this list but can not find it 
> now.
> I would like to set it to "never resend" if possible, but I think it is
> hard-coded.

Bill told me this on IRC:

All of our clients' bacula servers (including ours) send email to our help desk 
which creates a new ticket and notifies workers for EACH "intervention needed" 
We only need to get one since the ticket system will not let us forget about 
it, and having
20 tickets with the same subject, for the same problem just causes us more work 
we need to close all 220 or merge them all into one and then and close that one)

Dan Langille - http://langille.org

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