
Today, we released Bacula version 5.2.1.  If you downloaded version
5.2.0, sorry for the inconvenience, but I *strongly recommend you
download version 5.2.1 to avoid possible problems.

Several people have commented lately that the Bacula project appears
dead, but it is not at all the case. The developers have been working
hard.  Since version 5.0.3, there have been over 299,387 lines of
changes made by 20 developers, making 1,851 commits to the git
repo, and we have closed 88 bug reports (the large part of them
being fixed).

There are also some nice new features -- some of the main
ones are:

- LZO Compression
- New Tray Monitor
- Purge Migration Job
- Changes in Bvfs (Bacula Virtual FileSystem)
- Changes in the Pruning Algorithm
- Ability to Verify any specified Job
- Additions to RunScript variables
- Additions to the Plugin API
- ACL enhancements
- XATTR enhancements
- Class Based Database Backend Drivers
- Hash List Enhancements

Bacula 5.2.1 is now available for download from Source Forge, where you
can also find the ReleaseNotes, or you can read them at the following


and the New Features section of the manual is at:



Best regards,

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