
I've just setup 2 autoloaders on the same server

the first autoloader works fine when doing "update slots" in the console

doing the same on the second, it responds with "Device <my2dev> has 0 slots"


autochanger {
name = my1dev-library
changer command ="/usr/local/share/bacula/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
Changer Device = /dev/pass3

autochanger {
name = my2dev-library
changer command ="/usr/local/share/bacula/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
Changer Device = /dev/pass5

The devices setup are a copy to eachother except for the name and device 
(I'm not posting the device configs here as I don't think it's relevant in this 

doing a 
mtx-changer /dev/pass3 slots
mtx-changer /dev/pass5 slots
returns both "8" 
which is the correct number of slots

The 2 autoloaders are both same model  HP 1x8 G2 SAS 3000 
Running FreeBSD 8.2 - Bacula 5.0.3

anyone has any idea why this happens ?
is there any link to this problem with the issue that after changing magazines 
it also says 0 slots when you run update slots / scan barcodes (even on the 
working autoloader), running it the second time it gives the correct output on 
the autoloader that works.

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