On 10/5/2011 4:13 AM, Jeremy Maes wrote:
> Op 5/10/2011 9:47, Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk schreef:
>> Hi all
>> I have setup Bacula and we're currently backing up three networks, the 
>> private LAN, the DMZ and a remote observatory - Birkenes. The latter is 
>> connected to a 1Mbps SHDSL link. There's a central Director with the 
>> PostgreSQL database. Each of the networks have a private SD.
>> Now, backing up Birkenes is tedious. The WAN link seems to be saturated even 
>> though the SD is local. What could be causing this traffic?
> All metadata (the data that goes into the bacula catalog) still flows
> between your FD and DIR. Putting the SD local removes most of the
> traffic, but not all. Depending on the backup speed and the amount of
> files you backup the metadata could still be a significant amount of
> data, maybe enough to fill 1Mbps.

Is attribute spooling being used? When attribute spooling is on, the 
catalog entries are spooled on the SD and so not transmitted to the DIR 
until data backup is completed. This should allow jobs to complete data 
backup much faster, since the SD is local. However, near the end of the 
job the spooled catalog entries will be despooled across the WAN link to 
the DIR. So you should see little WAN activity during data backup phase, 
followed by near saturation of the WAN link at the end of the job when 
the SD despools catalog entries to the DIR.

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