On 5 Oct 2011, at 14:23, Phil Stracchino <ala...@metrocast.net> wrote:
> On 10/05/11 05:07, Uwe Schuerkamp wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I'm wondering about the best mysql settings for our new bacula
>> installation which will be taking over from an older setup.
>> Current bacula db size is 55G, we have around 14TB backup data from
>> ca. 100 clients on disk storage ATM but this is expected to double in
>> the next year or so. the new machine has 6GB memory and reports 12
>> CPU cores. The bacula db is stored on an 8-drive RAID 5.
>> Backups will be going to an lto 5 library (24 Tapes) and 2 additional
>> 16TB RAID devices which have yet to be installed (and I've not thought
>> up a good backup strategy yet ;-)
>> Would you recommend spooling and using bacula's batch insert in such a
>> setup?
> I'm actually starting to question the value of batch insert for large
> installations, because of the resulting table-level locks. We're seeing
> jobs waiting hours to get their turn to do inserts. With InnoDB the
> default storage engine in MySQL 5.5, I'm wondering whether overall
> performance would be better with batch insert disabled and InnoDB
> configured to allow interleaved auto-increment IDs.
> Unfortunately, all the "enterprise" Linux distributions will probably
> still be shipping MySQL 5.1 five years after MySQL 6.0 ships...
I've been using non-batch insertion with postgres (following your dare, I
think, Phil) for about a year. Backups are only about 8TB, but it works
extremely well for us.
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